Wednesday, June 12, 2013

4 Effective Treatments for Removal of Bedbugs

A tiring day at office and all you want to do is eat good food and get sound sleep. But then what happens when you are about to crash and you see a slimy, creepy bed bug crawl towards you?  The ‘Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bugs bite!’ just got proven wrong, dint it? These nocturnal insects suck human blood for their survival. They can be seen in your closet, luggage, windows, bed, etc. Let's get into more details of how to get rid of bed bugs.

1. Steam cleaning: This type of cleaning is one of the preliminary and widely used options. As the name suggests steam is used to flush them out. The heat helps to remove them from their hidden places and eventually killing them both the adult bugs as well as their eggs. However, you have to steam clean it at least two to three times so as to ensure that they are destroyed completely. 

2.   Chemicals and pesticides: Call for professionals as they know the right chemical insecticides and pesticides. This treatment is ideal when you feel there is major infestation. If you are doing it yourself make sure you have done a proper research for the same and you have picked up the can that is meant for the bed bugs alone. Besides, don’t spray them directly, as your children may come in contact with it.

3. Sun drying: Bedbugs don’t come out in the day, since they cannot withstand the heat. Thus, if you put out your mattresses, clothes, furniture out in the sun it is sure to kill them.

4. Vacuum cleaning: Vacuum does not kill them, but you can pull them out from the areas that are hard to reach. After all, when you are done using chemicals it is extremely vital for you to get rid of the dead bugs along with the dead skin and other material, which is food for the bugs. A vacuum cleaner helps target the crevices and cracks and sucks up the bugs from their hidden spot.

The bite of a bug can be awful; however, with the use of these methods, you won't have them in your house. Stay safe! Goodnight!

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