The points mentioned below outline the benefits to the landlords:
• We guarantee to provide you a tenant within four weeks after receiving the keys.
• We do not ask for any property exclusive right.
• We will limit the landlord’s involvement only to a signature on a standard tenancy contract.
• We will put forward the deal only to the prospective tenants who can meet your financial requirements.
• We would make sure that the tenant who comes to live in your apartment or a villa is professional and decent as an individual.
• We shall offer free services that other companies will charge for. Login into www.moveindubai.com for more details.
• And above all, we believe in having an appropriate communication with our landlord’s, which helps to avoid any misunderstandings.
Move in Dubai is into real estate business from past 15 years and deals in any kind of rental properties in Dubai. We believe in working hard for our clients so you can contact us anytime for an enquiry or solving any queries. Moreover, we also value total honesty, integrity and transparency with our clients. At Move in Dubai we do not make promises, we only give guarantees.
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